Dey’s Building Project Downtown–Another Win For The 1%

As I read the Sean Kirst article in the Post-Standard today about the development of the old Dey's department store, I wondered if anyone remembers the history of this building . . . not the department store, but the more sordid recent history. Check the records. Over the years, the city has taken over $8 … Continue reading Dey’s Building Project Downtown–Another Win For The 1%

This Is What They Mean By “Off Year Election”

Local elections result in politicians gaining offices that have an immediate impact on our daily lives: streets paved and plowed, criminals arrested, house fires put out, school children educated--or not, taxes levied for all these things . . . and much more. Yet, people don't really pay attention to any of these things, preferring to … Continue reading This Is What They Mean By “Off Year Election”

No candidates of color for school board? In segregated Syracuse? And you’re surprised?

Four white, east-side liberal candidates for School Board? Sounds OK to me. But then, I'm a white, east-side liberal! According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Syracuse's population is 30% African-American and 8% Latino. The school district's student population is 50% African-American and 13% Latino. Only one out of the seven Commissioners on the school board … Continue reading No candidates of color for school board? In segregated Syracuse? And you’re surprised?