No candidates of color for school board? In segregated Syracuse? And you’re surprised?

Four white, east-side liberal candidates for School Board? Sounds OK to me. But then, I'm a white, east-side liberal! According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Syracuse's population is 30% African-American and 8% Latino. The school district's student population is 50% African-American and 13% Latino. Only one out of the seven Commissioners on the school board … Continue reading No candidates of color for school board? In segregated Syracuse? And you’re surprised?

Voting, The Least You Can Do To Change The World. The Very Least.

The day after Howie Hawkins lost his bid to become the 4th District representative on the city's Common Council, his 15th unsuccessful run for political office, he got arrested at a direct action protest in favor of a single-payer health insurance system. All I can say is, "Welcome home to direct action protest, brother!" During … Continue reading Voting, The Least You Can Do To Change The World. The Very Least.